Burning Foot Brewery Registration


By submitting your application for the Burning Foot Beer Festival, your brewery is not guaranteed a table or multiple tables.  The festival has a limited number of available spaces, and therefore, all applications will be reviewed upon receipt.  Lakeshore Brewers Guild will send a response to each brewery to confirm the acceptance of the brewery’s application and the number of tables that the brewery will be provided.  Any questions regarding the acceptance of your application or the application itself should be directed to [email protected] 

Lakeshore Brewers Guild will purchase a maximum of $650 in beer for each table reserved by a participating brewery. Any brewery sending more than $650 in beer per reserved table will be required to pay an additional table fee equal to the total amount of beer sent in excess of $650. All participating breweries will receive space under a tent for a booth, a 6’ table, 10 bags of ice, 2 Brewers passes. The Brewers passes grant entry to the Brewers Hospitality Tent.

Following the registration, you will receive the “Beer Listing and Purchase Registration” form to complete and send back via e-mail. At that same time, you will receive logistical information about the festival.